Monday, August 30, 2010

Mafia II

Mafia II finally came out this August 24th, and it's a fun game for sure. My brother pre-ordered the collector's edition, which went for $80 and came with these goodies:

Metal Case
100 Page art book
Mafia II soundtrack
Map of the city
And of course the game

I really wouldn't say the price was warranted for all that stuff, maybe $70 or $75, but that's just my opinion. Anyways it's a great game with a really extreme story. If you're into the Mafioso type of games, than this is for you. If only the original Mafia (PC version) was ported to the Xbox 360 and PS3. :)

Anyways, buy these bad boys below: 

Mafia II - Xbox 360
Mafia II - PS3
Mafia II - PC

Collector's Editions: 

Have fun! :D

Image obtained from